Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Today I felt my first temblor!!!! (that I've been aware of at least). We got a surprise field trip in politics to the government building in Valpo and we went into this room that was set up like the big room in congress is sorta. Each seat (which had the most comfortable chair I have sat in since I have been here...) had a computer and a microphone and this little box thingy that you could vote with- there was a button for yes, no, cancel and "request to speak." it was really cool! I felt very big time!! hahaha Anyway while we were there one of the government officials (I'm still not sure of his role, I think he was a consejaro regional. we're going over the chain of local commands next class so I'll let you know what that means later) talked to us about what his roles are and everything. It was pretty interesting because the government set up is all really new, within the last 15 years! And they have gotten something like 300 mil millones pesos (turns out the way of counting is different here, 300 mil millones= 300 billion) approved for education, health care, environment protection, things like that- all in 15 years! Then in the middle of the presentation, everything started shaking!!!! nothing extreme, enough to feel it and notice it. Exciting!!!! Temblors aren't as intense as earthquakes, and are supposedly really common. I guess the best comparison is a tremor?? (based on some quick googling) hahahaha. it was very exciting though!!! Thats all for now, I just wanted to tell you about my first mini earthquake. hahahahaha
PS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY!!!!!!!!!!! Feliz cumpleanos!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the computer phone calls. Billy had/has a good birthday. He went to the Av's game after practice with Granato and blew us off for dinner.

Need more pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Jana - The earthquake/tremor sounded pretty exciting. Now you really know how to rumble. Love, Mike's Mama