The mine we went in near Oumey.

That blue-ish tinge on the ceiling was what they were mining for. (I think?)

Ashton and Seth on la micro!

Ashton and Whitney at sunset!!!
It is raining. Again. Not that it has rained that much, but its more then I like. hahaha (and it didn't start until about 10:30pm anyway so I really dont have anything to complain about...)I like to think I am sooo Chileno, I have changed my facebook to spanish and have downloaded some spanish music (AND am listening to it...) and I eat once instead of dinner with the rest of the family AND throw in some Chilenismos whenever possible. hahahahaha Today i was walking back from class and I walk past this car dealership and the guard for the cars said "hello" (yes in english) and I responded with "hola" hahahahaha. (thats the first person to say hi to me when on the streets, and he didn't say it in an uncomfortable creepy way, it was more like look I can speak some english! and since I walk past him everyday a couple times a day at least its was friendly. jaajajaja). Soon enough I'll be less of a wannabe.
Classes started this week... I am taking a intense schedule really, nothing very fun (ie the music class or the enviornmental class sound more exciting). I've got a class about chilean myths, legends, traditions and folklore, a class about politics, social change and human rights in chile, another class called cultural anthropolgy in chile, and social diversity, development and globalization in latin america in addition to the spanish course. And all those are in spanish... yikes! The politics class is going to be hard, the teacher is kind of intense. it will be interesting but intense because my history knowledge is minimal to none to begin with let alone world history knowledge... The hardest class is going to be cultural anthropolgy because the teacher is a true chileno. (the other teachers are true teachers and may or may not be native chilenos). The first day of this cultural anthro class (tuesday, we have each class twice a week) the teacher didn't show... and hes in a band. A famous band called Congreso. They were super popular in the 70s and were sort of an anti-pinochet band and if you mention Congreso to any native they know who you're talking about so thats sorta neat. But he speaks soooo fast and with such an accent or something that i think I caught maybe 1/4 of what he said in an hour and a half. And when we asked him to slow down he said hed slow down a little but its better to learn the language at its normal pace (which is fine, except we also need to learn the material...) and he doesn't use powerpoint or have any notes and just comes in and talks for an hour and a half and then you're done... the other profs stop to make sure you are following, try to get a little class participation in and some even use powerpoint... so it will be VERY interesting to say the least.
Thats just a quick summary for now, we'll see how everything is going after a few weeks.
Here are a few more pictures:
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